With a lot of energy and top professional

we are very happy to sell your property!


Pia Schneiter & Martin Zahel


Your property - our focus.  Nr. 1 at Makler-Empfehlung.at

138  5***** Star customer ratings


Are you considering selling your apartment, family house, villa or property?

We SELL your property!  Your property - our focus.


These are the first steps



As the first step, we take a close look at your property on site. We will then give you a written PURCHASE PRICE ESTIMATION.

Further INFORMATION on the subject of real estate valuation can be found here: https://www.viason.at/en/sales-price-evaluation

Furthermore, we check the APARTMENT OWNERSHIP AGREEMENT (Wohnungseigentumsvertrag), check the OWNERS MEETING PROTOCOL (Eigentümerversammlungsprotokoll) or wheter renovation loans are currently still being repaid or which renovations are still pending in the future.


  • NEW! Website also in EN-glish language

  • NEW! Floor plans that show the SUN PATH

  • NEW! HOME STAGING - price on request

  • EVALUATION of your property in terms of PURCHASE PRICE

  • MARKETING TEXT for the exposé in DEutsch (german) + ENglish

  • FLOOR PLAN in 2D & 3D including furniture proposal (where to put the furniture)

  • PLAN in 2D of the SURROUNDINGS of your property like shops, schools, and public transport links

  • TOP PHOTOS of your property and also photos of the SURROUNDINGS (Parks etc.)

  • VIDEO of your property - we get more attention (24h) for your property with our video walk through - also more attention for clients abroad

Home Staging - we will find the perfect furnishing concept for your successful property sale!

Price on request.



Did you know, that an empty room looks smaller than a furnished room? Since the refernce points in the room are misssing in an empty room, an "empty room" always appears smaller to the viewer than a furnished room. With the HOME STAGING FURNITURE we show the room as it really is - very stylish & cozy. Purchasig decisions are made much better and faster as a result.

viason HOME STAGING is the perfect way to put your property in the right light. With our HOME STAGING we optimally prepare your property for sale. With HOME STAGING we sell your property FASTER and often at a HIGHER PURCHASE PRICE.

We achieve MORE INQUIRIES and MORE ATTENTION through our HOME STAGING on the real estate portals.

With HOME STAGING, we equip your property with furniture so that the prospective buyer feels comfortable right away and would like to move in right away. Very few people can imagine a furnished room. With our HOME STAGING, we support the prospective buyer in his imagination with professional HOME STAGING FURNITURE and comfortable lighting, without completely furnishing the property - this is how the prospective buyer finds himself in the property.

Before handing over the sold property to the buyer, we remove all HOME STAGING FURNITURE.


More INFOS under: https://www.viason.at/en/home-staging

Nr. 1 real estate broker in vienna according to Makler-Empfehlung (dot) at


We are the Nr. 1 real estate broker in vienna according to the independent broker recommendation portal Makler-Empfehlung (dot) at with 138 top 5-star ratings for the sale and rental of real estate. Further information is available at: https://www.viason.at/en/customer-feedback

Listings & inquiries for your property



We list your property on every PREMIUM REAL ESTATE PLATFORM e.g. willhaben.at, derStandard.at, dibeo.at, Immo Scout24.at, immobilien.net, immowelt.AT/DE/CH etc. and also on our WEBSITE and on the SOCIAL MEDIA platforms as FACEBOOK & INSTAGRAM (8.160 Follower on Facebook + Instagram). So your property is listed on every PREMIUM REAL ESTATE PLATFORM

We also book TOPLISTINGS on the real estate platforms, so that your property gets more attention.

For us, it is imporant that you are always up to date concerning the current status of inquiries & viewings of your property, so we offer a special service for you: you will receive a WEEKLY FEEDBACK every FRIDAY concering the weekly inquiries & viewings - so you always stay up to date with us!


  • PREMIUM REAL ESTATE PLATFORM listings -  e.g. willhaben.at, Immo Scout 24, derStandard, dibeo, immowelt.AT/DE/CH etc.

  • SOCIAL MEDIA platform Facebook + Instagram 8.420 Follower

  • TOPLISTINGS on the real estate platforms, so that your property gets more attention

  • Quick ANSWERING CLIENTS INQUIRIES for your property

  • All E-MAILS & PHONE CALLS with all customers who are interested in your property

  • VIEWINGS with all customers who are interested in your property

  • WEEKLY FEEDBACK every FRIDAY concering the weekly inquiries & viewings

Purchase offer & handover of your property



We create a PURCHASE OFFER. If the purchase price is financed through a bank, we will also enclose a "binding-finance-offer" ("verbindliche Finanzierungszusage" from the buyers bank. 

Furthermore we check also if all important points of the purchase offer are implemented in the PURCHASE CONTRACT of the notary/lawyer. When the purchase offer is signed by both parties and also the purchase contract is signed, and the purchase price has been received on the escrow account of the seller, we do the HANDOVER of your property and create a HANDOVER PROTOCOL.

We check the COUNTER NUMBERS (counter numbers electricity, cold water, warm water & gas) as part of the handover protocol and also make photos of the counters.


  • Creation of a PURCHASE OFFER

  • Checking the PURCHASE CONTRACT of the notary/lawyer if all important points of the purchase offer are implemented

  • HANDOVER of your property including HANDOVER PROTOCOL

  • We check the COUNTER NUMBERS (counter numbers electricity etc.) and also make PHOTOS OF THE COUNTERS

The Exposé of your property in German (DE) und English (EN)


The description text in the Exposé of your property is also created by us in ENGLISH LANGUAGE (EN). This enables us to professionally address a larger group of interested parties. 


We make a "video walkthrough" of your property



With a PROPERTY VIDEO we get more attention for your property. The video can be seen 24 hours a day and also our clients abroad can get a very good first impression of your property. 

Architecture photography of your property



We make TOP FOTOS - ARCHITECTURE PHOTGRAPHY - to sell your property even better.

Floor plan in 2D & 3D of your property



We create a new FLOOR PLAN in 2D & 3D including furniture proposal, so that the potential buyer knows where he can put his furniture and can decide faster to buy your property.

NEW! We show you the course of the sun



We show you the course of the sun concerning your property in combination with the floor plan.

Your property is listed on every premium real estate platform



We list your property on every PREMIUM REAL ESTATE PLATFORM like WILLHABEN, DER STANDARD, DIBEO, IMMO SCOUT 24, IMMOBILIEN NET, IMMOWELT AT/DE/CH etc. and also on our WEBSITE an on the SOCIAL MEDIA platforms FACEBOOK & INSTAGRAM (8.160 Follower on Facebook + Instagram). So your property is listed on every PREMIUM REAL ESTATE PLATFORM


Where can I find CUSTOMER FEEDBACK concerning your work? Click on this link: https://www.viason.at/en/customer-feedback

Can you show me REFERENCES of properties that you have already sold or rented? Click on this link: https://www.viason.at/en/references